Nina Ruth Kravetz
Graton Rancheria & Coast Miwok Land
Sonoma County, CA
Spring 2024
How did we meet? Were we breathlessly scheming up an installation in the bathroom line at that potluck in Occidental? Did we run into each other at Retrograde Coffee and finally exchange emails about that project you're working on? Were you the one looking for a crafty designer, creative strategist, and enneagram 7 to help bring some vibrant vision to life? Either way, I'm so glad we're getting to know each other.
For the last four years I worked sales and played marketing at Martha Stoumen Wines. I'm currently co-producing the second annual Big West Wine Fest and am gearing up to bring my first album of original songs into the world with a whole colorful collection of friends and collaborators.
What's up in your world? Drop me a line and we can start dreaming.
Sending joy,
P.S. Find 2016 - 2019 here and email me for recent artistic work.